Dog Grooming FAQ

How long will my dog's groom take? 

It depends on the breed, size, temperament of the dog and condition of the coat. Usually a small to medium dog such as a cockapoo or a westie will take 1.5 to 2 hours. A large de-shed usually takes around 3 hours. We can advise on a individual basis. Feel free to fill in an enquiry form here if you'd like us to give you a rough time frame for your particular pup.  

At what age do I need to start bringing my dog in for a groom? 

If a dog will need a regular groom for their life, it's so important to get your puppy used to the experience as early as possible. This way they will learn to love it, or be used to it & comfortable with what's happening at the very least! After their last set of vaccinations, when they are safe for walkies, they are good to go! For the first groom it's recommended that they have a Puppy Groom. This will get them used to the salon, all the loud noises and we aim to give them a good bath, brush and blow dry. It's best to have a couple of these at least. If they respond well to the puppy sessions they can move onto adult grooms! Some people like to wait until they are around 6 months for this type of a groom but it depends on how well you're coping with their coat. Sometimes it's best to help you out slightly earlier. 

Can I stay to watch my dog being groomed? 

As your dog loves you very much they will wiggle and move around trying to get close to you which is not safe while we are grooming.  It is recommended to drop off your dog at their scheduled appointment time, and then come back when the treatment is finished. We are very happy to show our customers the Spa and discuss your individual needs if you are particularly nervous (which is totally understandable). You can also give us a call any time during the treatment to find out how your pup is doing. 

Will my dog be put in a crate?

No - we don't have any crates! We do have some lovely spatious pens with beds, toys and water in where they can stay safely if they need a rest, or if you're running late to collect them. If it is safe to do so and we can provide one-to-one attention, we will let them roam the salon and play with a toy with them. Sometimes the dogs prefer a nice little rest in our dog beds though! 

My dog is aggressive/hates grooming. Can I still bring them in? 

Our groomers are experienced in dealing with more difficult dogs and can usually get them to a calmer state to complete a groom. Aggression or any type of behavioural issue is usually fear based. If they are really not getting on with us, we won't continue the groom and stress them out unnecessarily. We will recommend the best course of action, which may be a Groomer Behaviourist, or may be shorter, weekly sessions with us to get them used to us. We can advise based on the individual dog's needs. We have plenty of treats, toys and cuddles to give which usually does the trick! 

You can ensure your dog is less fearful of the groomers by bringing them regularly (we can advise how often is appropriate). It's often handy to simply walk a dog into the salon every now and again which can be arranged. That way they can get used to our smells and sounds. There are lots of other tips we can share with you - just give us a call or email and we'll talk you through it.  

For any other questions please fill in our contact form here or call us on 01227 456 195 and we will do our best to help.